External Resources
External resources
External WHO resources
- EU Action plan on childhood obesity 2014-2020
- NCD Action Plan 2013-2020
- NCD Action Plan 2008-2013
- Global Status on NCDs report
- Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
- Global Recommendations on Physical Acitvity
- Recommendations on Marketing Food to Children
- Population-based Strategies for Preventing Childhood Obesity
- Preventing NCDs in the Workplace
- Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease
- Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Epidemic

External resources
Clinical guidance
- NICE guidance on weight management for adults
- NICE guidance on weight management for children
- Australian guidance for the management of obese patients
- NICE guidance weight management during pregnancy
- Institute of Medicine guidelines on pregnancy and obesity
- Training for US-based health workers in cardiovascular treatment and related conditions

External resources
Other resources
- World Cancer Research Fund International report on 'obesity and the law'
- World Cancer Research Fund International NOURISHING policy framework for reducing obesity and diet-NCDs
- Institute of Medicine report on evaluating obesity
- UKHF report on the use of food taxes
Please note - These are external links, World Obesity accepts no responsibility for the content of the sites.