Member Benefits
Let's address obesity together. Join the global obesity community today.
Our diverse membership body enjoys a number of exlusive benefits in areas of obesity education, policy, advocacy and more.
World Obesity provides an international umbrella of members, including public health specialists, lived experience voices, clinical and scientific communities all working towards a common goal. This diversity enables World Obesity Federation to provide multiple approaches to building knowledge in networks and organisations committed to addressing obesity, as well as building capacity in countries where there is no current obesity association and provide guidance. WOF provides a platform to speak with one voice – a trusted voice.
Full Membership benefits also includes discounts to key events and educational courses including:
- The International Congress on Obesity (ICO)
- Opportunities to be nominated for World Obesity's International Awards for Scientific Excellence
- SCOPE Schools
- A 50% discount on paywalled SCOPE E-Learning courses (the Core Learning Path and Childhood Obesity : From Diagnosis to Treatment) and free access to all our other modules
- Stock Conferences and joint events
- Invitation to attend our Annual General Meeting and eligibility to vote at our AGM and elect candidates for the positions of President, Treasurer and President-Elect
- An opportunity to nominate members for World Obesity Federation Committees and Taskforces
- Invitation to bid for holding regional and international World Obesity conferences.

Members also receive discounted subscription rates on the official World Obesity journals:
- Clinical Obesity
- Obesity Reviews
- Pediatric Obesity
- 20% Discount on Wiley Books
- 15% discount on medical books from

Other Benefits
Both Full and Associate Members benefit from:
- An invitation to attend our Annual General Meeting (Associate members in a non-voting capacity).
- Access to international policies, project updates and statistics on obesity via the World Obesity Data Portal
- A monthly e-newsletter and weekly obesity news updates
- Opportunities for global networking with experts in the field of obesity
- Access to and participation in various webinars, roundtables and online events throughout the year
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Become a Member
World Obesity membership is open to obesity organisations and groups working in related NCDs.
Follow the link below to apply for membership.
Full and Associate Membership Application Form