Physical Activity: Additional Resources
We have collected an array of resources that have been developed to support the promotion physical activity and related policies
This includes webinars and infographics to inform and educate the public, toolkits for healthcare professionals prescribing physical activity to patients, and more. Access these resources below.
World Cancer Research Fund International MOVING policy database
The MOVING database collects physical activity-related policy actions from around the world which are implemented on a national level, and which are currently in effect. You can use the databases to see what countries are doing, to identify where the action is needed to increase physical activity, and to assess if the approach is sufficiently comprehensive.
The databases are structured around the MOVING framework.
You can watch the launch of the MOVING database here. Interested to learn more about diet-related policies that are currently in effect across the globe? You can access the complementary NOURISHING database here.
MOVING database
Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity
JANPA, the “Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity”, aims to halt “the rise of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents by 2020.”
To facilitate this process and help policymakers and programme planners implement policies, they developed the JANPA Toolbox. The Toolbox serves as “Good practice database, where interventions can be sorted by countries, settings, intervention focus, intervention type, and budget categories”. While it can be used for different purposes the Toolbox has one overarching aim: “to connect those who would like to intervene against childhood obesity with those ones who gained knowledge and exercise in this area by implementing actions on the field”.
Click here to access the JANPA Toolbox!
Effectiveness of Physical Activity Interventions to Prevent Obesity
STOP (Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy), a Horizon 2020-funded project to address childhood obesity, is expanding and consolidating the evidence upon which policies to prevent and manage childhood obesity can be built. This policy summary developed by the World Obesity Federation (WOF), in collaboration with the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) summarises findings, and priority actions based on a systematic review that compared the effectiveness of three types of interventions targeting 6 to 12-year-old children.
Access it here.
International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH)
ISPAH is a leading global society of researchers and practitioners dedicated to advancing and promoting physical activity as a global health priority. Recognising that global action is needed, they have set a target to increase global physical activity levels by 10% by 2025.
To support their advocacy efforts, ISPAH hosts webinars on key issues related to physical activity and health – including a joint webinar series with the World Health Organization more recently to commemorate the launch of their global physical activity guidelines.
Resources for Health Care Professionals
Reducing Sedentary Behaviour: Strategic Centre for Obesity Professional Education (SCOPE) Module
- The World Obesity Federation has developed a SCOPE module to provide guidance for understanding and changing both physical activity and sedentary behaviour in individuals living with obesity. Authored by Dr. Stuart Biddle, the module is designed for health care professionals treating patients. It is currently available for free on the Strategic Center for Obesity Professional Education (SCOPE) E-Learning platform, and in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
RCCGP Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit
- The RCGP Physical Activity and Lifestyle Toolkit was developed by Sport England, in partnership with RCGP. The toolkit aims to support primary care physicians when prescribing physical activity to their patients and within their practice by providing a range of resources and advice, connecting the sport and health sector.

- Department of Health and Social Care, UK - Physical activity guidelines: infographics

Global Obesity Observatory
Our Global Obesity Observatory (World Obesity Federation's data and information hub) provides up-to-date data and information pertaining to overweight and obesity.