Rethink Obesity® 4FORUMS
Nov 17, 2020Is obesity management weighing you down? The management of obesity can at times seem overwhelming and time consuming, but this does not have to be the case.
Led by renowned Australian obesity experts and facilitated by Casey Beros (Health Journalist & TV Presenter), the Rethink Obesity® 4FORUMS series will break down the process with recommendations to help you effectively and efficiently manage people living with obesity.
How did the 4Forums come to life?
The Rethink Obesity® 4Forum programme was developed further to the success of the SCOPE accredited ‘Rethink Obesity® Webinar Series’ earlier in 2020. The sessions were recognised as one of the ‘best-in-class’ industry educational initiatives in Australia for 2020 with >18,000 registrations across all 6 sessions, and a live viewing of ~1,250 per webinar. There were 12 different specialities predominately GPs, endocrinologists, internal medicine physicians, bariatric physicians, psychiatrists and dietitians contributing to the lively discussions. The 4Forums will provide additional learnings to address identified needs in education. It strives to involve a greater primary care-based healthcare professional audience with ‘practical and implementable recommendations’ that will assist positive behaviour change.

SCOPE Accreditation
World Obesity's Clinical Care Committee decided that the further learning value, quality, and structure of this new educational activity comply with SCOPE principles. Each 4Forum has been accredited with 0.5 SCOPE Points, which count towards SCOPE Certification.
Attendees of all four 4forums will be eligible for 2 SCOPE points, and these will be awarded by World Obesity after the event.
SCOPE Certification is conferred by the World Obesity Federation and is the internationally recognised standard of excellence in obesity management. SCOPE Certification is awarded to health professionals with obesity management experience who have earned 12 SCOPE points.
You can learn more about SCOPE Certification here.