SCOPE School Global: Childhood obesity – a window of opportunity for action
Dec 08, 2020SCOPE School – the live component of World Obesity’s Strategic Centre for Obesity Professional Education (SCOPE) programme – is going virtual for the third time.
Further to the success of the re-branded SCOPE Schools, the acclaimed course on obesity management will be delivered online to a global audience of health professionals, with the intention of resuming live-events based on emerging guidance published during the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety of our attendees, their patients and our faculty are of utmost priority.
Branded SCOPE School Global, the online events will go beyond the regional focus of traditional SCOPE Schools and incorporate different international perspectives, providing an exciting opportunity for health professionals around the world to share ideas and best practices.
Childhood obesity – a window of opportunity for action
We look forward to welcoming you to our third SCOPE School Global this 8th-9th December addressing childhood obesity, one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century.
The World Obesity Federation Childhood Obesity Atlas predicts that by 2030, 254m children aged 5-19 years old will be living with obesity. Rates of CHO are on the rise, whilst progress to achieve globally recognised targets to address the epidemic are not on track. Efforts to reduce the prevalence of the condition need to integrate a combination of both prevention and treatment strategies, combined with an understanding of how to diagnose patients and communicate with children (and their caregivers) effectively.
The SCOPE School supplements the SCOPE E-Learning modules, ‘Childhood Obesity: From Diagnosis to Treatment’, a six-module learning path developed in partnership with the European Childhood Obesity Group’.

Tuesday 8th December 2020 – Wednesday 9th December 2020
Learning objectives:
The overall objective of this event is to advance knowledge on how to effectively treat and manage obesity and overweight in this age group. Speakers will also expand on the prevention of childhood obesity, as swift action is needed to reverse these trends and prevent progression of obesity, alongside associated NCDs later down the life course. With a focus on the global problem, we will also focus on regional spotlights, specifically India, one of the countries currently experiencing the so-called ‘Double Burden of Malnutrition’.
By the end of the event you will:
- Understand the global prevalence of child and adolescent obesity.
- Recognise the behavioural risk factors for excess weight gain in this age group.
- Understand the role of nutrition and physical activity in the management of child and adolescent obesity.
- Understand a range of strategies for the prevention of childhood obesity.
- Discuss country specific challenges and clinical scenarios encountered during diagnosis and treatment.
Target audience
Healthcare professionals working in clinical practice including dietitians, nutritionists, diabetes nurses/educators, physiotherapists, physical activity specialists, general practitioners, obesity medicine specialists, paediatricians, exercise physiologists, internal medicine physicians and other specialists treating obesity related diseases.
Chair: Prof Louise Baur, Chair of Child & Adolescent Health, University of Sydney, Australia
- Dr. Marie Laure Frelut, Deputy Chair, WOF Clinical Care Committee, France
- Dr Monika Arora, Director of Health Promotion Division, Public Health Foundation of India, India
- Dr. George Msengi, Founder, Young Professionals' Chronic Disease Network, Tanzania, Executive Committee, NCD Child
- Dr. Grace O'Malley, Paediatric Researcher, Schol of Physiotherapy, RCSI, Ireland
- Dr. Megan Gow, Clinical Lecturer, University of Sydney, Australia
To register for ‘SCOPE School Global: Childhood obesity – a window of opportunity for action’ please follow the link below.
Claiming SCOPE Points:
The SCOPE School has been accredited with 4.0 SCOPE points, which count towards SCOPE Certification. All participants that have actively participated by completing pre-post event learning questions, and attending the sessions across both days will be eligible to receive points for their attendance.
SCOPE is the only internationally recognised certification in obesity management. It equips health professionals with up to date, evidence-based obesity management resources to better treat their patients with obesity and further their careers. You will need to earn a total of 12 points to become SCOPE Certified. This must include completion of our Core Learning Path (4 points), an e-learning course with eight modules covering the ‘essentials’ of obesity management. You can earn the remaining points by completing free supplementary modules (0.5 points each) or by attending additional SCOPE Accredited events.
Certificate of attendance:
A certificate of attendance is only required if you DO NOT plan to claim SCOPE points. Please contact if you would like to do so.
For event enquiries please contact
For SCOPE school inquiries please contact
Claudia Selin Batz, Policy & Education Coordinator