SCOPE School São Paulo: Collaborative approaches to address obesity
SCOPE School São Paulo: 25 June 2024
On 25 June 2024, we hosted a SCOPE School in São Paulo, Brazil, themed around the latest evidence in obesity science and policy.
With over 80 people in attendance, speakers included international and Brazilian clinicians and health professionals in obesity management, people with lived experience and advocates. Sessions focused on the global obesity policy landscape, implications for Brazil and Latin America, and skill development in obesity advocacy.
The meeting was co-chaired by Dr Ada Cuevas and Dr Ricardo Cohen, who brought extensive expertise in metabolic medicine and bariatric surgery. Participants had the opportunity to interact with world-renowned speakers and engage in discussions on best practices for obesity management and treatment.
Esteemed speakers included Prof. Louise Baur, President of the World Obesity Federation (Past President as of 17 July 2024), Dr Cintia Cercato and Dr Nomathemba Chandiwana, among others.
Topics ranged from understanding global obesity data and pathophysiology to tackling obesity stigma and integrating services into primary care.

100% of delegates surveyed said they would recommend attending a SCOPE School and 96% of delegates surveyed indicated that the SCOPE School was relevant to their daily practice (giving a rating of 8 or above out of 10).
Participants praised the high-quality presentations and the valuable opportunities for networking and discussion. This event is expected to have a significant impact on clinical practice and obesity advocacy in Brazil and beyond.
"For me, the program was perfect. And bringing in professionals from other areas, other than health, enriched the event even more and allowed us to have a new perspective." SCOPE School Attendee