Sociedad Mexicana de Obesidad (SMO) hosts a variety of events for World Obesity Day
This year, the Mexican Society of Obesity (SMO) organised its broadest and most ambitious programme of events for World Obesity Day.
World Obesity Day 2023 - Mexico was aimed at health professionals and patients living with obesity, and included two academic sessions and a discussion forum. These activities were very successful due to the academic quality, filled with much learning and growth, both for health professionals and patients. World Obesity Day had an average of 2,150 health professional attendees per meeting, and 3,400 attendees at the patient meeting.
In our Conservatory for Patients Living with Obesity, our speakers were a psychiatrist specialising in cognitive behavioral therapy, and a psychologist with obesity and a history of bariatric surgery, who presented her case as a patient. It was amazing because we had a lot of questions on Facebook Live regarding weight stigma in patients with obesity.
We also held a virtual race, with categories between one and five kilometers, in which many patients and doctors participated, as well as an in-person walk in San Pedro de Pinta.
We illuminated in blue the Monument to the Revolution and the Angel of Independence in the CDMX, where we were accompanied by about 216 doctors and patients. We also held a physical activity at the Nuevo Leon State Government Palace and the Minerva Monument in the city of Guadalajara, where around 257 doctors and patients participated.
Virtual Race Organised by the SMO
On 18 and 19 February, SMO organised a virtual race in honor of World Obesity Day - Mexico 2023. The race was open to participants from all over Mexico, and 350 people from different states in the country took part. The race distance ranged from one to five kilometers, and participants were free to complete the activity outdoors, in parks, or indoors on a treadmill using their preferred running app to track their time and distance.
After finishing the race, participants were encouraged to post a selfie on their social media accounts, along with their running number, distance, and time. This helped to create a sense of community and encouraged others to join in and celebrate World Obesity Day in Mexico.
The virtual race was a great success, and it helped to raise awareness about the importance of regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. By engaging participants from different parts of the country, the event was able to show the diversity and unity of the Mexican people in the face of a common health challenge.
In conclusion, the virtual race was a fun and engaging way to promote a healthy lifestyle and raise awareness about the global obesity epidemic. We hope that this event will inspire more people to take action and make positive changes in their lives.

Webinar: 'Changing perspectives: Let's talk about Obesity'
On 23 February, in commemoration of World Obesity Day in Mexico - 2023, a webinar titled 'Changing perspectives: Let's talk about Obesity' was held via Zoom for healthcare professionals. The webinar featured high-quality speakers, including Dr María Luisa Ponce López, Dr Arturo Sandoval Rivas, and Dr Ricardo Luna. The scientific meeting focused on debunking misconceptions about obesity, discussing the deep roots of obesity, and sharing insights on pharmacological treatments for obesity.
The webinar began with a discussion on the misconceptions around obesity, highlighting how it is often viewed as a lifestyle choice rather than a complex medical condition. The speakers then delved into the deep roots of obesity, examining its genetic and environmental factors, and emphasising that it is a multi-factorial disease that requires a comprehensive treatment approach.
One of the key highlights of the webinar was the session on the pharmacological treatment of obesity. The speakers discussed the different phenotypes of eating behavior and how they can inform personalised treatment plans for patients. They also shared insights on the latest pharmacological interventions for obesity, including their mechanisms of action and potential side effects.
Throughout the webinar, the speakers shared their expertise and engaged with the audience, making the event both informative and engaging. The webinar ended with a Q&A session where participants had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had.
The objective of the webinar was to advance the learning of the science of obesity in Mexico, and it achieved this by providing healthcare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the complexity of the disease and the latest insights on its treatment. Overall, the webinar was an enjoyable and highly educational event, and it provided participants with valuable insights into the field of obesity research and treatment.
Academic Session: World Obesity Day and its Deep Roots
On Wednesday, 22 February, an academic session titled 'World Obesity Day and the Deep Roots of Obesity' was recorded and made available on the Faculty of Medicine's platform at UANL. The session was presented by Dr. María Luisa Ponce López, the President of the Mexican Obesity Society, and was exclusively available to members of SMO.
The session lasted for five days on the platform, allowing members to access it at their convenience. The session focused on obesity, the importance of changing perspectives, and the deep roots of obesity. The speaker discussed how we can face the challenges of obesity, taking into account genetic, environmental, and social factors that contribute to its development.
Throughout the session, the speaker shared insights on the latest research on obesity, emphasising the need for a multidisciplinary approach in managing this complex medical condition. The audience was presented with different strategies to prevent and manage obesity, tailored to individual differences in lifestyle, diet, and behaviour.
The recorded session provided an opportunity for healthcare professionals to learn from an expert in the field and stay up-to-date on the latest research and insights in obesity prevention and management. The session was highly informative and engaging, and the speaker provided practical recommendations to healthcare professionals on how to tackle this global epidemic. The session was well received by the audience, with 537 health professionals attending.
World Obesity Day Walk in San Pedro de Pinta, Monterrey, NL, Mexico
On 26 February, a walk was organised in San Pedro de Pinta, Monterrey, NL, Mexico to commemorate World Obesity Day.

The event was open to healthcare professionals, friends, family, and patients living with obesity, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of commemorating this day.
The walk was two kilometers long and included a physical activity at the end. The event was well attended, with 283 participants of all ages. The physical activity at the end of the walk was a fun and engaging way to promote an active lifestyle.
The event was successful in bringing people together to promote the importance of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Participants were enthusiastic and engaged, and the event was a positive experience for all involved. It was a great opportunity to create awareness and show support for those affected by obesity.

Conversation with patients living with obesity on Facebook Live
On 1 March, a webinar entitled 'Conversation for Patients Living with Obesity' took place via Facebook Live and Zoom.
This event was designed for patients living with obesity, with the aim of raising awareness about weight stigma and the importance of treating obesity as a disease, as well as exchanging perspectives. Attendees were invited to share their questions and concerns, which were answered live during the event. The webinar featured the participation of psychiatrist Dr Hector Esquivias, psychologist Lic. Ziomara Tuero Martinez, and Dr Ricardo Luna, a specialist in the treatment of overweight and obesity.
The discussion was highly informative and engaging, and attracted a total of 3,400 attendees who participated actively by submitting questions and comments on the topic.
Let's illuminate Mexico, CDMX
On 4 March, we commemorated World Obesity Day with an event called 'Let's illuminate Mexico CDMX'. As part of the commemoration, we illuminated the Angel of Independence and the Monument to the Revolution in Mexico City with blue lights.
The event was attended by health professionals and patients to raise awareness about obesity. We took pictures, exchanged perspectives, and discussed the issue of obesity. Approximately 216 people participated in the event.
The purpose of 'Let's illuminate Mexico CDMX' was to draw attention to the serious issue of obesity, which affects millions of people in Mexico and around the world. By illuminating these iconic monuments, we aimed to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and treatment of obesity. The event provided an opportunity for health professionals and patients to come together and exchange ideas on how to address this complex health issue.
Overall, the event was a success, with a strong turnout and positive feedback from participants. It served as a reminder of the importance of addressing the issue of obesity and the need for continued efforts to promote healthy lifestyles and combat this growing public health concern.

Let's light up Mexico - Monterrey & Guadalajara
On 4 March, events were held at the Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Nuevo León in the city of Monterrey, and at the Monumento Glorieta La Minerva in Guadalajara. The purpose of the events was to raise awareness about obesity and its impact on public health. Over 250 health professionals and patients participated in a series of activities and discussions.
By sharing their experiences and insights, participants gained a better understanding of the issue and the importance of adopting healthy habits. The events were also an opportunity to network and establish connections with other professionals in the field.

World Obesity Day
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