Policy Briefs
Policy briefs offer a concise summary of a particular issue, some policy options in order to respond to that challenge, some recommendations and sometimes identify some of the challenges and limitations that can be encountered. Policy briefs are not only aimed at policymakers but should be seen as a resource to anyone who is interested in formulating or influencing policies. Below you will find some policy briefs based on a wide range of topics.

Diet and Food Systems for Health, Climate and Planet: Listening to and supporting Youth Voices
Young people are working at the forefront of the climate, health, and food agenda. To capitalise on the experience and expertise of youth, World Obesity Federation convened a workshop with young people to help develop their priorities based on the Health and Climate Network (HCN)’s recommendations and to discuss opportunities to support youth voices. This brief summarises the discussions and provides recommendations for how climate, health, and food actors can work more effectively with youth. It has been written to support policymakers, civil society organisations (CSOs), and other stakeholders.
Click here to read the full brief!
Addressing weight stigma and misconceptions about obesity: Building a Youth-Led Response
Weight stigma is a global phenomenon that remains too often absent from conversations. It includes all the negative social stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding people living with overweight and obesity. Weight stigma is the last form of socially acceptable discrimination. Globally, 19-42% of adults experience weight stigma. Furthermore, the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity found that school-age children living with obesity had a 63% higher probability of being bullied.
This briefing aims to:
- Provide a description of weight stigma and why it should urgently be addressed
- Share case studies of instances where weight stigma is present throughout societies
- Highlight actions that you(th) can take to advocate for weigth stigma to be address through obesity policies
Stepping up action on childhood obesity: Building a Youth-Led Response
The World Health Organization has identified childhood obesity as one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The global prevalence of obesity has been consistently rising over the past decades and shows no signs of slowing down: numbers are nearly doubling every 10 years and show no signs of slowing down! This briefing aims to:
- Outline the importance of preventing and treating childhood obesity in order to halt a course to poor health and social outcomes in future life
- Share case studies and evidence for existing childhood obesity-oriented interventions
- Highlight actions that you(th) can take to advocate for childhood obesity policies to be implemented
Transforming food systems: Building a Youth-Led Response
Food systems define a complex set of activities that involve different sectors, fields and stakeholders involved in food and feeding. Food systems are linked to all forms of malnutrition and climate change due to their relationship with food and nutrition, but also their influence on the availability and quality of food. This briefing aims to:
- Outline the importance of food systems in addressing all forms of malnutrition
- Share case studies and evidence for successful and positive food systems transformation
- Highlight actions that you(th) can take to advocate for food systems transformation
To learn more about digital marketing and its wider impacts, visit World Obesity's policy dossier.
Click here to read the full brief!.png)
Digital Deception
The Marketing of Unhealthy Food: Building a Youth-Led Response
Marketing is a way for companies to attract customers and dveelop brand loyalty for the products and services they offer. Marketers send targeted commercial messages to potential customers in all industries to increase sales. However, food marketing through digital media is of concern, especially to youth. This briefing aims to:
- Outline the different common forms of marketing and existing forms of marketing regulations
- Share case studies and evidence of companies using marketing techniques
- Highlight actions that you(th) can take to advocate with governments to restrict marketing of unhealthy products
To learn more about digital marketing and its wider impacts, visit World Obesity's policy dossier.
Click here to read the full brief!.png)
Addressing childhood obesity across Europe: a review of a snapshot of diet and physical activity policies from the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and the United Kingdom
This policy brief was produced by World Cancer Research Fund International, as part of the European Research project CO-CREATE, and reviews a snapshot of policies to show how five European countries are addressing childhood obesity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity.
Click here to read the full brief!
Using behavioural insights to influence children's diets
The global prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity continues to rise. Many children live in obesogenic environments that encourage the consumption of energy-dense foods.
Policies informed by ‘behavioural insights’ have shown potential for improving children’s diets.
Usually, this approach is used in interventions to make subtle changes to the environment without actively restricting available options.
A new study conducted as part of the STOP project investigated the effectiveness of five such interventions. Learn more about some of the key findings of this research in our policy brief!
Click here to read the full brief!
Improving school food environments to prevent childhood obesity: what works?
The global prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity continues to rise. With children spending a significant amount of time in schools, they can be a key setting to help us address obesity.
A new study conducted as part of the STOP project looked at interventions on environments in and around schools. Learn more about some of the key findings of the research in our policy brief!
Click here to read the full brief!
Impact of food reformulation on food choices, nutrient intakes and health status
Considering the high levels of processed food intake in Europe, reformulating food products to improve their nutritional properties can help create healthier food environments and reduce the impacts of diet-related health conditions, such as obesity.
A new study conducted as part of the STOP project looked at the impact of food reformulation. Learn more about some of the key findings of this research in our policy brief!
Click here to read the full brief!
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions to prevent obesity
Physical activity has been associated with improved physical and mental health in both adults and children. It has also been linked to improved cognitive and academic performance.
A new study conducted as part of the STOP project looked at the impact of interventions on physical activity and sedentary behaviours. Learn more about some of the key findings of this research in our policy brief!
Click here to read the full brief!.png)
CO-CREATE Youth Alliances' policy briefs - Norway
CO-CREATE aims to address obesity by focusing on adolescents, their perspectives and the factors that influence their health. CO-CREATE provides young people with the policy tools, knowledge and infrastructure they need to make the healthiest choices.
By working together in groups, known as alliances, young people participating in the CO-CREATE project have developed policy ideas to address factors which influence adolescent obesity and health in their respective countries.
This brief summarises the policy ideas of CO-CREATE alliances in Norway and outlines the steps they took to finalise their proposals. This brief aims to inform relevant stakeholders, such as policy- and decision-makers, about policies
relevant for adolescents to tackle excess weight and obesity and to introduce a model on how to actively involve young people in the development of policies.
CO-CREATE is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 774210.
Read Norway's policy briefs here!
Socio-economic disparities in pre-adolescent obesity treatment
Overweight and obesity affects more than 25% of children in Europe. Children from population groups exposed to socio-economic vulnerabilities tend to be disproportionately affected by obesity.
A new study conducted as part of the STOP project looked at the effectiveness of treatment for children according to their socio‐economic and ethnic background. Learn more about some of the key findings of this research in our policy brief!
Click here to read the full brief!.png)
CO-CREATE Youth Alliances' policy briefs - Poland
CO-CREATE aims to address obesity by focusing on adolescents, their perspectives and the factors that influence their health. CO-CREATE provides young people with the policy tools, knowledge and infrastructure they need to make the healthiest choices.
By working together in groups, known as alliances, young people participating in the CO-CREATE project have developed policy ideas to address factors which influence adolescent obesity and health in their respective countries.
This brief summarises the policy ideas of CO-CREATE alliances in Poland and outlines the steps they took to finalise their proposals. This brief aims to inform relevant stakeholders, such as policy- and decision-makers, about policies
relevant for adolescents to tackle excess weight and obesity and to introduce a model on how to actively involve young people in the development of policies.
CO-CREATE is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 774210.
Read Poland's policy briefs here!.png)
CO-CREATE Youth Alliances' policy briefs - United Kingdom
CO-CREATE aims to address obesity by focusing on adolescents, their perspectives and the factors that influence their health. CO-CREATE provides young people with the policy tools, knowledge and infrastructure they need to make the healthiest choices.
By working together in groups, known as alliances, young people participating in the CO-CREATE project have developed policy ideas to address factors which influence adolescent obesity and health in their respective countries.
This brief summarises the policy ideas of CO-CREATE alliances in the United Kingdom and outlines the steps they took to finalise their proposals. This brief aims to inform relevant stakeholders, such as policy- and decision-makers, about policies relevant for adolescents to tackle excess weight and obesity and to introduce a model on how to actively involve young people in the development of policies.
CO-CREATE is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 774210.
Read the United Kingdom's briefs here!.png)
CO-CREATE Youth Alliances' policy briefs - the Netherlands
CO-CREATE aims to address obesity by focusing on adolescents, their perspectives and the factors that influence their health. CO-CREATE provides young people with the policy tools, knowledge and infrastructure they need to make the healthiest choices.
By working together in groups, known as alliances, young people participating in the CO-CREATE project have developed policy ideas to address factors which influence adolescent obesity and health in their respective countries.
This brief summarises the policy ideas of CO-CREATE alliances in the Netherlands and outlines the steps they took to finalise their proposals. This brief aims to
inform relevant stakeholders, such as policy- and decision-makers, about policies relevant for adolescents to tackle excess weight and obesity and to introduce a model on how to actively involve young people in the development of policies.
CO-CREATE is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 774210.
Read the Netherlands' briefs here!.png)
CO-CREATE Youth Alliances' policy briefs - Portugal
CO-CREATE aims to address obesity by focusing on adolescents, their perspectives and the factors that influence their health. CO-CREATE provides young people with the policy tools, knowledge and infrastructure they need to make the healthiest choices.
By working together in groups, known as alliances, young people participating in the CO-CREATE project have developed policy ideas to address factors which influence adolescent obesity and health in their respective countries.
This brief summarises the policy ideas of CO-CREATE alliances in Portugal and outlines the steps they took to finalise their proposals. This brief aims to inform relevant stakeholders, such as policy- and decision-makers, about policies
relevant for adolescents to tackle excess weight and obesity and to introduce a model on how to actively involve young people in the development of policies.
CO-CREATE is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 774210.
Read Portugal's briefs here!