Useful Links
Image Bank
The World Obesity Federation's image bank is filled with non-stigmatising images, completely free to use and very easy to download. Take a look here!
UN World Youth Report
The World Youth Report: Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, through the analysis of the link between global policies in the economic, social and enviornment spheres and national actions, examines the mutually supportive role of the new agenda nad current youth development efforts. Read the full report here!
EU Youth Report 2015
The aim of the EU Youth Report 2015 is to “provide both a picture of young people and youth policies at EU level and in Member States.” It identifies three priorities that need to be the focus over the next couple of years:
- Increasing social inclusion of all young people
- Ensuring a stronger participation of all young people in democratic and civic life
- Helping young people make an easier transition from education into the labour market
Interested in learning more? Read the full report here!
European Youth: Participation in Democratic Life
The primary aim of this report was to study young EU citizens' participation in society, with special reference to attitudes towards participation in elections and intentions to participate in the European elections in 2014. Want to get more detail on the survey responses, click here to read it.
EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
Developed following the Council Resolution of November 26, 2018, the EU Youth Strategy focuses on three main areas of action around three words: Engage Connect Empower. The key idea behind the EU Youth Strategy is that it should help realise the vision of young people. The Strategy is based on mutual learning activities, Future National Activities Planners, EU Youth Dialogue, EU Youth Strategy Platform and Evidence-base tools. Want to learn more? Click here!
Youth Power Action (Amnesty International)
This International Youth Strategy aims to provide the framework fo ryouth works at all levels of the organisation. This strategy aims to provide the framework for youth work at all levels of Amnesty International. The organisation outlind the following principles to ensure consistency and quality in their work to ensure the realisation of the goals they outlined in the International Youth Strategy:
- Intersectionality and diversity
- Realisation of young people's rights
- Intergenerational respect and trust
- Safeguarding young human rights defenders
- Meaningful engagement
- Empowerment
- Active partcipation
- Youth leadership
- Partnerships
- Integration and sustainability
Interested in learning more about their strategy? Click here!
Meaningful Youth Engagement: Sharing, Power, Advancing Progress, Driving Change
Did you know that over half of the world's population is under the age of 30? They represent the largest youth population in history. Young people hold a very unique position where they have the ability to disrupt power dynamics. Until now, young people have often been excluded from political processes, economic and educational opportunities. However, promoting meaningful youth engagement can serve as a key force against exclusion. Research has shown that young people have the ability and do drive positive social change, which in turn has a significant ripple effect that fuel progress on many levels, in any context. As highlighted in the report, "when young people are engaged in meaningful and authentic ways, they share the power and the responsibility for success."
Click here to read the full report by Women Deliver.
European Youth Portal
Are you 18 years old and living in Europe? Check out the European Youth Portal and access a range of information and opportunities. Providing information both at the European and national level, the Portal covers 35 countries and is available in 28 languages! From volunteering and professional opportunities to general lifestyle information, the portal will give you access to a wide range of resources!
Click here to visit the Portal.
The Youth Wiki is Europe’s online encyclopaedia in the area of national youth policies. The Youth Wiki covers eight main fields of action: education and training, employment and entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing, participation, voluntary activities, social inclusion, youth and the world, and creativity and culture. It presents information on European countries’ youth policies. The primary objective of the Youth Wiki is to support evidence-based European Cooperation in the field of Youth. Browse the Youth Wiki here.
The Youth Goals were elaborated following the Structured Dialogue with Yotuh process 2017-2018. These goals aim to show the views of young people all across Europe. The eleven goals are as follows:
- Connecting EU with you
- Equality of all genders
- Inclusive societies
- Information & constructive dialogue
- Mental health & wellbeing
- Moving rural youth forward
- Quality employment for all
- Quality learning
- Space and participation for all
- Sustainable Green Europe
- Youth organisations and European programmes