Infographics are gaining popularity as an efficient tool to provide key information in a clear, artistic and effective way. Check out some of our infographics developed through the CO-CREATE and STOP projects, as well as through the World Obesity Federation and other international organisations.
Determinants of Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is one one of the most pressing global public health issues, and is increasing rapidly, particularly in countries at low levels of income. Obesity is still poorly understood, and often simplistically viewed as a matter of individual responsibility. However, we know there are a wide range of factors, over which individuals have limited or no control, that influence a person’s risk of developing obesity. The STOP Obesity Reviews supplement provides new evidence that improves our understanding of the wider drivers of obesity. It highlightst, among others, the indirect consequences of air pollution on physical activity and health; the detrimental impact of diets that include large amounts of highly industrially processed, and heavily promoted, foods; and, the importance of a healthy start in life. The findings presented throughout the supplement convey a strong message that obesity is very complex and we need to gather as many pieces of the jigsaw as we can if we want to design effective actions and successfully address childhood obesity.
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CO-CREATE activities with young people
Want to learn more about what the young people in CO-CREATE will be doing throughout the project? Take a look at this infographic and see the different activities adolescents take part in.
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Did you know that young people under the age of 25 represent 42% of the world population?
Today, young people represent the largest part of the population globally. Increasingly, we are seeing a desire for young people to get their voices heard. However, true and lasting effects to positively impact youth health, including overweight and obesity, will not only need to include young people’s input, perspective and suggestions: the leadership of young people themselves needs to be part of the answer.
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What is youth engagement?
As highlighted in the UN World Youth Report, “approaches that focus on prioritizing youth participation, respecting youth rights and addressing youth aspirations are key.” Young people have the ability to disrupt power dynamics. This would then allow young people to break down systems of exclusion to change not only their own lives, but also have a broader impact on the systems and environments that impact them. Meaningful youth engagement is urgent: “young people can and do drive positive social change, with powerful ripple effects, that fuel progress on many levels, in any context.” The accompanying infographic will show you how to promote positive youth engagement and help YOU become an active agent of change!
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Childhood obesity
Childhood obesity has been identified as one of the most serious global public health challenges of the 21st century. In fact, in just 40 years, the number of school-age children and adolescents with obesity has risen from 11 million to 124 million (2016 estimates). Given the urgency of the situation, a number of targets have been established to halt the rise of childhood obesity.
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Risks and steps to improvement
Childhood obesity is a complex, multi-layered disease that needs the elaboration of multi-component and multi-sectorial interventions. We also need to consider all the stakeholders involved including parents, civil societies, businesses, governments and young people themselves, and promote the development of cross-sectoral policies. This infographic will teach you about the complexity of childhood obesity and what steps should be considered moving forward in order to halt this epidemic.
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